First and foremost, thank you so much for supporting sugar rush. We wouldn't have reached this far if it wasn't for you guys. To all fans, friends and family, the continuous support and compliments have really kept us going. We thank you all for that. THANK YOU SO MUCH! =')
The sad news is, with effective today, we will only be operating on WEEKENDS. We have to cut short on our baking time because of the following reasons:
Iriani : Has now landed on her first job, she will be working on weekdays.
Izyan : Will be taking 3 ACCA papers this semester, she will be studying and attending classes on weekdays.
Time will be very limited for us and therefore we're not able to take a lot of orders. We will serve customers on a first come first serve basis. So for those who would really like to take up on our service, please let us know as early as possible. If you are still unsure of what to get, you make book a date with us with a small deposit fee.
Deliveries will also be limited too. we can only delivers on weekends.
We hope to get an extra pair of hands (staffs) in the future, that would really come in handy.
Last but not least, we would like to thank you all again, our loyal customers, those that came back and re-orders (some actually orders again after a year for the same birthday! =D). We truly appreciate your support, kind words and patients. In case we have caused any inefficiencies, bad service or not being able to satisfy your needs and standards, we deeply apologize for any flaws made. We will always strive to improve ourselves in any aspect in order to provide good quality service. For those who have any suggestions or complaints, feel free to email us at Your thoughts and comments count.
Thank you. Have a pleasant day! =)
Lots of sugar-love,
Sugar Rush